- All sheep should be on the grounds by 4:00 p.m. Market Lambs and Commercial Ewes will be weighed between 3:30 PM and 5:00 PM. Scales will close at 5:00 PM.
- All sheep must be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection.
- All lambs must have lamb teeth.
- There will be no minimum or maximum weight to be eligible for the show.
- Lambs will be weighed and divided into classes by weight.
- Tie fee – $5.00 per entry
- Commercial Ewe Show is open to non-registered ewes of any breed or combination of breeds.
- Ewes shown in the commercial ewe show are not eligible to be shows in registered or market lamb show.
- Exhibitor may show a maximum of 2 sheep per lot.
- Online registration is required.
- Breeding sheep show classes – there will be a class for any breed in which a Dyer County Junior Exhibitor is eligible to participate.
Classes subject to change
Class 1: Showmanship
- Lot 1: Pee Wee (Younger than 4th grade at showtime)
- Lot 2: Junior (Current 4th, 5th, 6th graders)
- Lot 3: Junior High (Current 7th, 8th, 9th graders)
- Lot 4: Senior (Current 10th, 11th, 12th graders)
Class 2: Market Lamb Show
Lots will be divided by weights Grand and Reserve Champions will be awarded
Class 3: Commercial Ewe Show
- Lot 1 – Ewe Lambs
- Lot 2 – Yearling Ewes
- Lot 3 – Champion and Reserve Champion
- 1st – $20.00
- 2nd – $15.00
- 3rd – $12.00
- 4th – $10.00
- 5th – $5.00
Grand and Reserve Champions
Mary Beth Neal & Carl Schultz